Lecturing, chairing events, media performances


Science is for society, not just for other scientists. In order to facilitate dissemination of science and scientific information many means are available, ranging from scientific publications to publications aimed at a more laymen audience. Lecturing can be for a scientific audience but also for a laymen audience of interested listeners. Also (social) media are a welcome podium to expose and discuss science such as Twitter and LinkedIn. The traditional media like newspapers, magazines, radio and television are welcome podia to expose science.


Follow me on:

- Twitter: @HansVerhagenNL

- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hans-verhagen-617aa61

- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/H_Verhagen


What do I offer

- Scientific lecturing, at conferences, webinars, universities, etc.

- Lecturing for laymen that are interested listeners.

- Interviews for written press, as well as for radio and television.

- Scientific writing for a non-scientist audience.

- Chairing of workshops and panels at (scientific) events.


Expertise with the topic

- University teaching (professor)

- Writing short scientific texts, columns, etc.

- Media trainings while at Unilever and RIVM.

- Many interviews for written press.

- Many interviews for radio and television.

- Chairing of workshops and panels at scientific events.

Some key publications in the area

  • Verhagen H. (1999) Chemicaliën eten. TNO Offline, September 1999, p 9.
  • Verhagen H. (1999). Aspergeplas ruikt naar zwavel. Intermediair 45, p 151.
  • Verhagen H. (2006). Geen magic bullets in de voeding. Voeding Nu, 5, 9.
  • Verhagen H. (2008). Niets doen is ook iets doen. Voeding Nu 10: 31.
  • Verhagen H. (2013). Gebakken lucht verzadigt niet. VMT 4 oktober 2013. Nr 21/22, p. 6.
  • Verhagen H. (2013). Van fictie naar (hopelijk) feiten – van curatieve geneesmiddelen naar preventie door voeding. In: Aspirine op je brood - Voeding en geneesmiddelen in de toekomst. STT/Ellen Willemse red. ISBN 978-94-91397-05-9, p. 130